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Zuhause > ZAHNPFLEGE > Aesthetische Zahnmedizin >
021-5169 9696

Price List

Dental consultation:600 rmb
X-ray:150 rmb
Cleaning:950 rmb

Aesthetische Zahnmedizin
When your teeth are healthy but present dysharmony that bothers you on a daily basis, veneers are a simple and painless solution to hide the imperfections

Porcelain veneer is a thin shell of porcelain / ceramic that is bonded onto the front surface of a tooth so to improve its cosmetic appearance. They will repair teeth that are discolored, worn down, chipped or broken, misaligned or irregularly shaped tooth. They are translucent, thin laminates made to improve the esthetics (shape, spacing, color) of your natural teeth, to correct crowding, or to replace composite bonding.
Although dental veneers fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry: because they create bright, white smiles with beautifully aligned, shapely teeth, they also protect the surface of damaged teeth and may eliminate the need for more extensive treatments. Other benefits of veneers include durability, and an improved smile appearance.
Dental veneers may solve most of your cosmetic dental issues:
         •      Worn enamel: Over time, the thin, hard translucent substance covering your teeth (enamel) may become worn and discolored. Such wear and discoloration is often the result of consuming soft drinks, tea or coffee, smoking, the use of certain medications, etc.
         •      Wear and tear: Teeth naturally wear down as people age. Aged teeth are more likely to have chips, cracks or uneven appearance. 
         •      Uneven teeth: Uneven teeth can result from tooth grinding or general wear and tear.
Veneers are a completely painless technique.
This treatment is done in 2 sessions. For your comfort, we take 2 sessions that are not too distant in time so that your smile is transformed within a week. The procedure itself involves several steps. These are:
Diagnosis and treatment planning: At the initial appointment, our cosmetic dentist will gather information about your dental history and what you have in mind for your new smile. He'll take into account the structure of your face, your personality, the image you would like to convey and even your complexion and hair color. When he has a thorough understanding of what you want, the dentist will design your new smile.
Preparation: Your teeth will be prepared for the veneers by the removal of about a fingernail's width of material (0.3 to 0.5 millimeter). Next, we will make a model or impression of your teeth. This model is sent out to our in-house dental laboratory, which in turn constructs your veneer. It usually takes 5 days in this process.
Bonding. The next appointment is a try-in. This is where our dentist makes sure that the veneers will look, feel and function exactly as you want them to. It is very important that you are absolutely honest if you are not happy with the way the veneers look before they are permanently placed. Only minor changes can be made once the veneers are fixed in place. At the final appointment, the veneers are bonded to your teeth. After the veneers are placed, they are polished so you leave our office with a gleaming, gorgeous smile.